What Are Claimed and Verified Profiles?

The search process for addiction and mental health treatment is critical. Having access to the right information lets you make empowered decisions about your care. That’s why we take accuracy seriously.

Recovery.com uses a standard procedure to make sure treatment provider profiles on our site are current and complete. We do this by claiming or verifying profiles, indicated by checkmarks like the ones below:

Are you a treatment provider?

Communicate trust to patients and claim your profile (it’s free).

What’s the Difference Between a Claimed and a Verified Profile?

They have different criteria. Claimed profiles go through an initial quality check by a RehabPath team member. Verified profiles pass a higher-level quality check by RehabPath’s Research Team. A profile must be claimed before it can get verified.

Claimed Profiles

Any provider listed on our site can earn a claimed status. This means at least one person from RehabPath has connected directly with the treatment provider’s staff to confirm the information in their profile.

This is the information we confirm:

  • Name of the treatment provider
  • Admissions department contact information
  • Price
  • Length of stay
  • Founded date
  • Occupancy

How do I know if a profile is claimed?
Look for a claimed checkmark next to the provider’s name on their profile page.

Verified Profiles

Verified profile information is quality-checked by Recovery.com’s Research Team, which includes data verification through appropriate third-party organizations.

This is the information we validate:

  • Licensing
  • Applicable accreditation and membership information
  • Tour: a member of Recovery.com’s Research Team takes a virtual tour of the provider’s facilities to confirm that they match the photos on their profile page

How do I know if a profile is verified?
Look for a verified checkmark next to the provider’s name on the search page or their profile page. All advertisers must earn a verified checkmark.

Why Do I See Some Listings Marked “Ad?”

Some providers advertise with us for enhanced visibility on our site. All advertisers must be claimed and achieve verification by our Research Team. This ensures their profile page is true and complete.

We embrace NAATP’s Marketing Code of Ethics for treatment providers. We never charge per lead or referral and we clearly mark advertisements. We also do not list a central phone number. All site visitors are able to directly contact treatment providers of their choice.

What if a Profile Is Unclaimed or Unverified?

An unclaimed profile means no one from Recovery.com has verified the provider’s information or contact details for completeness and accuracy. You can still view the center’s phone number and website. You can also reach out to them directly to learn more about their program.

How do I know if a profile is unclaimed?

Look for an unclaimed icon next to the provider’s name on their profile page.